Thursday, March 6, 2014

Things saving my life

This week, we are experiencing our second growth spurt at six weeks.  It is exciting to know that my baby is growing...but sad because it means she won't always be my little peanut.  It is also very exhausting because all she wants to do is eat, which means I have an infant attacking my boobs about 90% of the day.

A and Monkey Bink!
Some of this can be attributed to her increased need to suck.  So I spend lots of time playing the "binky game" where my daughter wants her pacifier but also wants to spit it out and cry.  Mom, I want my binky but I don't want you to sleep or get anything done.  Put the binky back in my mouth so I can spit it out and cry really loud.  One of the items that puts this game to rest is the WubbaNub -- one of the best presents I got at my baby shower.  It's your average binky...but with a small, soft stuffed animal attached.

A loves her WubbaNub...maybe more than she loves us right now.  It is the only bink she will take.  One morning during the last growth spurt, I thought I lost monkey bink...which was devastating for both of us.  I searched every nook and cranny of my house.  Luckily, monkey bink turned up in my bed...but I couldn't have a panic attack like that again.  Since none of the local baby stores in our area carry these lifesavers, I had my parents go to their local Buy Buy Baby and pick up two -- an elephant and a giraffe.  Grandpa even drove three and half hours to personally deliver them.  Who ever invented this is clearly a genius -- probably a rich one at that!

It may be a small thing...but it is definitely saving my life -- and my husband's life -- this week.

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